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Also see Advertiser, 6 November 1924, page 13e, 28 and 29 May 1925, pages 10d and 12i, 3 and 25 November 1927, pages 12g and 15e, Observer,5 November 1927, page 11,The News, 29 September 1933, page 7b, 25 October 1933, page 9c, Advertiser, 1 December 1933, page 12f, 10 August 1936, page 24f, The News, 7 August 1936, page 8f, The Mail, 8 August 1936, page 4, The News, 26 October 1936, page 6c, 2 and 20 November 1936, pages 6c and 6c, Advertiser, 12 February 1937, page 24e.
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